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Titanium swarf - any uses??

Hi there,

I`m the happy(ish) owner of a Warco mini lathe. I`ve only had it 2 or 3 years but, as my wife will confirm, I`m barely off the thing! I have, for the last year or so, been making pens. Initially these were all in brass & of the the non-propelling type with separate caps (made from a different metal - aluminium or copper), but then I moved on to the bolt-action propelling type & most recently fountain pens. I buy the fountain pen mechanism & make a body for it - usually out of patterned acrylic. Anyway I`ve most recently started using titanium with some disasters & some successes (it`s a lot harder to use than aluminium, brass or steel). This means that I`ve ended up with some titanium swarf & I wondered if there was anything I could use it for?
The other swarf I produce (brass & aluminium mainly) I either take to the tip or wait for the scrap man to come round.

posted by pauluspaolo on 8 June 2023

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